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Genre: family adventure
A selfish NYC street-urchin thrown from a train in 1872 Wyoming is suddenly faced with rivers, trees, Indians, mountain men, and kidnappers. He finds his true self by losing everything, and then puts his life on the line to save his friends.
This is the first adventure of Todd McCoy, a twelve-year-old street orphan in 1872 New York City, and how he and his friends are taken out west on an "Orphan Train" to settle with upstanding families. Along the way, Todd discovers they are being kidnapped by the unscrupulous Antoine Biggs, who throws Todd off the train in the wilds of Wyoming.
The seeds of a new life are germinated as he learns new ways to survive outside of a city. Eventually, Todd is forced back on his quest to save his friends and teams up with an unlikely anti-hero. Through cleverness, wile, and utilizing the new inventions of the day, they attempt to rescue all the children.
Theme: The journey to manhood by overcoming selfishness with selflessness.
Todd McCoy’s Adventure West
- SUPER: 1872, New York City
- A light snow falls.
- Twelve-year-old Todd McCoy, and his friend, eight-year-old Andy, wait for the newly arriving passengers to disembark from a clipper ship.
- Life swirls around them in a colorful array of longshoreman, immigrants, sailors, and prostitutes.
- My eyes! Ain't it nice? Did ya ever seen such a beautiful ship in your life?
- Don know. Me thinks I like that one o'er there.
- Andy points to a huge merchant freighter that brings immigrants from Europe by the thousands. It's anything but beautiful.
- Aw, Andy, that's just a big ol' freighter what carries people. Nothin' special bout that.
- But, all those people got stuff to steal, is what I was thinkin".
- You reckon true, Andy-boy, but here's where I teach you somethin'. This here clipper hasn't got so many people as your favorite, but it's got the big bugs, and they be rich-rich-rich!
- You mean cause they be wearin' fancy clothes?
- Yep.
- And frilly dresses?
- Yep.
- And tall hats and shiny shoes with blackies carrin' their b'longin's.
- Yep-Yep-Yep! Why you askin' all this if you already knows the answer?
- I don know I knows the answer, but I sees them right there comin' down the plank.
- Todd whips his head around to see the rich passengers disembarking from the clipper. An excitement comes over Todd, like that of a sports competitor.
- Here we go, Andy. You just follow me and say "Yes, sir," whenever I ask you somethin, OK?
- Yes, sir!
- Todd smiles at his friend and they head out across the wharf to their targets.
- About TWENTY PASSENGERS, MEN AND WOMEN, are coming off the plank with PORTERS carrying the luggage close behind.
- Most are talking amongst them selves, but are following one particular ELEGANT COUPLE, walking in silence, dressed in the best refinement of the day.
- Todd comes up alongside the gentleman, pacing his steps.
- A fine gentleman such as yourself might be wonderin' just why I should be walking your shadow this fine day.
- Waiting the chance into my pockets, no doubt.
- I'm not just your average Bowery cut b'hoy, no sir. A rowdy, I ain't. I'm an enterprising man to the core.
- That a fact? And what, pray, is your particular area of expertise?
- Truth be tol', I don have a 'ticular, but I'm the best at takin' care.
- Taking care of what, then?
- Why, of you, sir. I can get you anything, anywhere, anytime.
- When little sewer rats scurry, it sends a caution.
- Todd scurries out in front of Biggs, walking backwards in pace to his plea.
- You don't have to be afeered of us, sir. Me and this little shaver will only bring you luck and just rewards.
- I can readily see how the mistress of good fortune has bequeathed her alms on you. Be off, scamps!
- Todd dips his filthy hat.
- Suddenly, Todd trips over his own feet and falls backwards, but as the forward velocity of Biggs would expect a nasty spill, Biggs grabs Todd up before he hits the ground, and continues on ahead without so much as a misstep.
- Very swift on your feet, young lad, but I was practicing this trade before your anonymous parents were a twinkling in God's eye.
- Biggs gently sets hapless Todd on his feet.
- Ply your trade elsewhere or rest tonight in a wretched can.
- Todd backs away, pulling wee Andy, head bowed.
- Sorry sir. Sorry for the mishap, I am. I meant no treachery.
- Biggs and company continue down the wharf.
- B'gosh, but that was a close one! I was for sure knowin' we were off to the hoosegow.
- Todd turns to him, a clever impish smile spreading across his face.
- Aye, he be fast, that's a given, but your's truly, be even quicker!
- Todd pulls his hand out of his coat and dangling from a golden chain is a beautifully engraved gold pocket watch.
- The Saints!
- Now, young apprentice, this is where certain of us shine bright.
- I can see that, sir.
- Todd takes off running toward the departing group of travelers.
- As he gets closer, Biggs stops at his approach. He looks down on Todd with a curious eye.
- Master, forgive me, but in your haste to save my wretched body from injury, you have dropped a favored possession.
- He holds out the pocket watch. Biggs is taken completely by surprise and involuntarily pats his waist pocket.
- He takes the watch from the lad and clicks it open. A fine MELODY issue forth. Todd is taken by surprise.
- Biggs replaces the watch into his pocket, then politely tips his hat to Todd.
- Sir, you have bettered me, and this I can appreciate.
- He takes out a business card and hands it to the boy.
- I assume you know this hotel?
- Yes, sir!
- Good. Come by tomorrow at the noon hour. If you haven't breakfasted by then, expect a meal at my expense.
- Without another word, Biggs and company move off.
- Yes, sir! I'll be there. You can count on me.
- Andy arrives by Todd's side.
- What'd ya do? You gave back the watch?
- Would you trade an egg for a chicken, my young sprat.?
THRILLS, CHILLS, LAUGHS & TEARS about reading, writing, and eternal unanswered questions