A low SHRILL SOUND, like ringing in the ears, slowly builds accompanied by a HEAVY HEART BEAT and STACCATO BREATHING- someone in fear, trying to be still and calm.
As these sounds abate, other SOUNDS of a body moving slightly, bumping into things.
DIM LIGHT from a cell phone suddenly pushes back the darkness a few inches from MELANIE O'HARA'S face. She's petrified.
Smeared make-up accents her fear. Her knees are drawn up to her chin as she crouches, pressed into hanging mop and broom handles.
A mop handle falls lightly against the side of her face and she slaps it back in reflex. It slips off the hook and the WET MOP drops down along her face.
She YELPS, brushing it off her as if it were a giant spider. She drops her cell phone and the LIGHT GOES OUT.
SOUNDS of her searching in the dark- the LIGHT comes on again. She turns the soft glow on the old wet mop and breaths a SIGH of relief.
She turns back to her original position and there, only inches away, is a WOMAN'S GROTESQUE PALLID FACE staring at her !
Melanie SHRIEKS in terror as she lurches away, dropping the phone- PITCH BLACK again- several moments with frantic SOUNDS of arms and legs thrashing about-
Suddenly, a brilliant flash of WHITE LIGHT as Melanie bursts through the utility room door into an ultra-modern office tower hallway.
She scrambles to her feet instantly, running off full tilt.
Melanie is late twenties, very attractive, and dressed in a stylish business suit, skirt short enough to draw a look without being too sexy.
She comes to an intersection and turns the corner while looking back to the empty hallway.
When she comes around the corner she looks ahead and sees a WOMAN walking with a determined gait directly toward her from the other end. She staggers to a stop.
The woman appears to be about eighteen, Mulatto, very attractive, dressed in layers of colored silk reaching the floor, long hair gloriously corn-rowed: a voodoo queen. Her expression is fierce.
Only every other overhead ceiling light is lit, and she can clearly be seen in the shadows between the lights, but as she passes beneath the lighted area, she becomes a horrid ROTTING WALKING CORPSE!
Melanie SCREAMS and takes off again in the opposite direction.
She runs down corridor after corridor, checking for open doors, and stairwells that aren't locked, to no avail. She comes to an elevator and frantically presses the buttons. It starts up from the first floor- she is on the 30th.
It's coming fast, only two more floors- Melanie looks both ways down the corridor, no sign of the specter. The elevator doors open and Melanie goes to step in-
Rotting Sondra is waiting for her!
Sondra raises her arms and a powerful gust of wind hurls Melanie back across the hall and slams her against the wall. She falls to the floor, the wind knocked out of her.
Sondra comes out of the elevator into the shadows: a beautiful exotic Voodoo babe.
- You've made me wait a long time,
- Melanie. You know how I hate to
- wait.
- Melanie tries to move away on hands and knees.
Y-you're not here.
Oh, but I am. And ya know? I'd say there's only a couple people in the whole world that know that for sure, wouldn't you?
- Melanie climbs to her feet and starts running again, afraid to look back.
You're my ticket out-of-here, Cher. And I'm going to catch that train right now!
- Melanie rounds a corner and picks up speed. Up ahead the hallway ends at a huge, ornate STAINED-GLASS WINDOW.
She glances over her shoulder and there's Sondra only yards behind, not running, but flying at her in a horrid cloud of
construction debris swirling around her, arms reaching out with distended fingers, and a tortured smile set in a face warped beyond human limits.
Melanie's SCREAM is lost in a rush of fierce air as she turns around and there's the nauseating assemblage that is Sondra right in front of her!
She collides with her and they both crash through the stained-glass window!