Politics of Love


Genre: Romantic Drama Comedy or RomDramedy


A senator’s opening bid for President goes awry as she misspeaks about the First Lady and crashes into a woman on rollerskates. Now she must save her campaign, decipher her latent feelings, and deal with the reporter assigned to her cover her every move… the rollerskater.


A Presidential Candidate; the First Lady who envies her; the reporter who loves her; and the nation who needs her- can three women save themselves and America at the same time?


Senator Dorothy Lawrence’s opening bid for President goes awry when she misspeaks about the First Lady, has a pileup with a woman roller skater, and emotions are triggered. At a White House party, the rivalry between Dorothy and the First Lady is revealed, and who the power behind the throne really is. When Deirdre, the skater appears, Dorothy’s manager enlists her to cover the campaign believing she works for a major magazine… But she works for a lesbian magazine.

Theme: Love has no boundaries; honesty over deception.


This original screenplay was written in 2003.

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