Ghost in the Wall – ผีสิงสถิตในกำแพง

Our wonderful actor, Gaew, has volunteered again to be another ghost, this time as part of an ancient wall.

Gaew - Poonsinsiri Poolsuk plays Drowning Ghost & ghost in wall.

My friend, and renown painter, Sorapong Seechompoo, painted her face with body paints to blend in with the wall.Sorapong Seechompoo

After several hours of enduring this torture, our cinematographer, Frank Muller, shot the special footage, which will be a very creepy addition to our trailer. Here is a still I shot with my Nikon, so not a still from the film footage. That will come later after post-production.

Gaew as ghost in wall

For behind the  scenes photos of this shoot and others, please subscribe (free), then click on “BEHIND THE SCENES.”

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